McMillan Woods Charity Golf Open

McMillan Woods was recently held and served as a golden opportunity to combine work, play and the prospect of raising funds for charity.

McMillan Woods Charity Golf Open was recently held and served as a golden opportunity to combine work, play and the prospect of raising funds for charity. The tournament attracted a field from a number of countries, namely China, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Ireland, Indonesia, Singapore and included both local and foreign representatives of the media.

The main thrust of the event was again angled at helping those less fortunate in society and proved a success. “This corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme also places huge emphasis on leadership quality of the younger generation and will continue to strive to give back to society and protecting Mother Earth,” said Organising Chairman Dato’ Seri Raymond Liew, who also serves as McMillan Woods Global President.